Is your business located within the town limits?

If Yes, You Must:

  • If you are making any renovations to an existing building, or constructing a new one, you must obtain a building permit from the Building Inspections Department located at 9 South Main Suite 110 Street, 828-456-8647.
  • If you are moving into an existing business, you must schedule an Occupancy Use Inspection at the Building Inspections Department.  There is a fee for this inspection, payable by cash or check.
  • Apply for utility service at the Hazelwood Office located at 280 Georgia Avenue. A deposit may be required.  For more information call 828-456-3515.
  • Please refer to our Business Brochure for more information.

If your business is not located within the Town limits but you will be doing business within the Town there are fewer requirements:

*Exception: Taxi companies which pick up fares within the Town limits must also register with the Waynesville Police Department and conform to the Taxi Cab Ordinance. Please call 828-456-5363 for more information.