Waynesville Housing Authority

Members of the Waynesville Housing Authority are appointed by the Mayor to deal with issues regarding the Waynesville Housing Authority per North Carolina General Statute 157-5.  The Waynesville Housing Authority is formed to promote and preserve a variety of housing choices for the citizens of Waynesville and to increase public awareness of housing opportunities, needs and concerns.  The Waynesville Housing Authority is authorized and empowered to undertake such actions reasonably necessary to the discharge and conduct of its duties and responsibilities as outlined in North Carolina General Statute 157-9.  A full copy of the General Statute is included at the end of this section. 

Duties and Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  1. Survey and study the housing situation in the Town of Waynesville.
  2. Help develop and preserve housing stock by rehabilitation of older houses and development of new housing for middle and lower income citizens.
  3. Search and apply for available funding sources and enlist partner agencies to increase housing opportunities.
  4. Involve citizens in support of improved housing.
  5. Educate the public about housing problems and opportunities.
  6. Identify and analyze obstacles to affirmatively further fair housing in the Town of Waynesville.
  7. Search, apply for and recommend acceptance by the Town Council any appropriate grant, gift, bequest or donation of property.
  8. Promote public interest in and an understanding of its recommendations both externally and in Town of Waynesville processes and employ other means of publicity and education, when possible.

Terms of Service

Seven members are appointed for five (5) year terms with an appointment date of July 1.


  • CK Davis
  • Amanda Singletary
  • Corey Isbell
  • Sandra Arnold
  • Mandy Haithcox
  • H. P Dykes, Jr.
  • Ryan Newell  


Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 9am at 48 Chestnut Park Drive, Waynesville, NC  28786


Minutes can be accessed by clicking on the following link:  http://www.egovlink.com/waynesville/docs/menu/home.asp  - choose the online documents option, then Boards and Commissions, then Waynesville Housing Authority or are available upon request from Waynesville Housing Authority Executive Director Belinda Kahl. (828)-283-8206