Town of Waynesville News Release

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Development Services

T: (828) 456-8647

Waynesville to Hold Public Input Meeting for Stormwater Master Plan

The Town of Waynesville is hosting a public input meeting as part of the stormwater master plan study on Thursday, February 22, from 5-7 p.m. at the Waynesville Recreation Center (550 Vance Street).

In October, the Town contracted with WithersRavenel, Inc. to launch a stormwater master plan study. The 32-month project will develop a stormwater master plan the Town can use as a guiding document. The plan will identify flooding problems, propose solutions, and create a strategy for putting those solutions into action to improve the infrastructure capacity. The stormwater master plan will focus on key study areas and prioritize a list of projects that can become part of the Town’s capital improvement plan.

Public input is an important component of the stormwater study. The feedback received during the public input meeting, in conjunction with the community survey data and field work by the contractor, will be used to create the stormwater master plan. All residents are invited to attend the meeting and provide their input. Topics discussed during the public input meeting will include water quality concerns, flooding issues, and possible solutions for mitigating stormwater issues.  


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