The regular meeting of the
Town of Waynesville
Zoning Board of Adjustment
scheduled for April 1, 2025,
has been Canceled.
The next regular meeting of the
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Will be on May 6, 2025, at
5:30 pm in the Town Hall.
The regular meeting of the
Town of Waynesville
Zoning Board of Adjustment
scheduled for April 1, 2025,
has been Canceled.
The next regular meeting of the
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Will be on May 6, 2025, at
5:30 pm in the Town Hall.
The Town provides sanitation services to residential and commercial customers within Town limits. The fees for service are set annually, and billed monthly. The waste is taken directly to White Oak Landfill, which is owned and operated by Haywood County.
The Town of Waynesville owns and operates Greenhill Cemetery, located on Golden Drive in Waynesville. Lots and columbarium niches are available for purchase by town residents and nonresidents. Purchase prices are set annually as part of the annual fee schedule for the Town.
Ricky Bourne-
Public Services Director
129 Legion Drive
(828) 456-3706
The commission operated as a policy making commission from 1969 until 1971 when the State of North Carolina officially approved the Waynesville Recreation Commission as a non-policy making commission.
The Advisory Commission will meet the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm.
16 South Main Street, PO Box 100
Waynesville NC 28786