At the Planning Board meeting on November 15, 2021, the Board took action and created the Planning Board Subdivision Subcommittee to align the Land Development Standards (LDS) with the 2035 Land Use Plan Goals, specifically regarding the subdivision regulations and preservation of Waynesville’s natural resources, and in light of the change from quasi-judicial to administrative review of major subdivisions. Below are the materials from the Subcommittee meetings and relevant resources.
Progress of the Subdivision Subcommittee:
Progress Sheet- what the Subcommittee has achieved and what is in the works.
Chapter 160D Online Modules by the UNC School of Government:
Chapter 160D Training Modules by the UNC School of Government
2035 Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Subdivision Ordinance Subcommittee Meeting Agendas:
December 7, 2021: Agenda 12.07.2021 SubdvOrdnc.pdf
December 20, 2021: Agenda 12.20.2021 SubdvOrdnc.pdf
January 12, 2022: Agenda 01.12.2022 SubdvOrdnc.pdf
February 4, 2022: Discuss civic space amendments and major vs minor modifications to site plans.
March 28, 2022: Discuss quasi-judicial procedure, civic space, density, and cottage development.
April 25, 2022: Agenda 04_25_22_SubdivOrdnc.pdf
April 28, 2022: Discuss conservation and cottage subdivisions.
May 5, 2022: Agenda 05_05_2022_SubdivOrdnc.pdf
May 25, 2022: Discuss the progress sheet and density in Raccoon Creek (NR) and Allens Creek (NR).
June 15, 2022: Agenda 06_15_22_SubdivOrdnc.pdf
Minutes and Meeting Notes:
Meeting Notes from December 7, 2021: Meeting Notes 12.07.2021.pdf
Meeting Notes from December 20, 2021: Meeting Notes 12.20.2021.pdf
Meeting Notes from January 12, 2022: Meeting_Notes_01_12_22.pdf
Meeting Notes from February 4, 2022: Meeting_Notes_02_04_2022.pdf
Meeting Notes from March 28, 2022: Meeting_Notes_03_28_2022.pdf
Meeting Notes from April 25, 2022: Meeting_Notes_4_25_2022.pdf
Meeting Notes from April 28, 2022: Meeting_Notes_4_28_2022.pdf
Meeting Notes from May 5, 2022: Meeting_Notes_5_5_2022.pdf
Meeting Notes from May 25, 2022: Meeting_Notes_05_25_2022.pdf
Meeting Notes from June 15, 2022: Meeting_Notes_06_15_2022.pdf
Educational Resources (click on each name to open the link):
Conservation Subdivision Handbook by NC State University
Southwestern Commission's Region A Toolbox
Chapter 160D, Article 8: Subdivision Regulation
Additional educational resources can be found in the agendas.